I come from downtown, born ready for you

I think it’s going to be one of those days today. I was a little stoned last night, and went through my going to bed checklist. I didn’t even notice that I didn’t put the dishes away, or make the coffee. So I had to make the coffee this morning in a Fuck it, I’ll do it live moment.

Good morning, happy Thanksgiving! We’ll, in the USA, up north of the wall, it’s simply Thursday. It’s still dark outside, but feels warmish. We’ll as warm as it can feel outside. It looks like it might be a nice day out there, once the sun comes up.

I slept like the dead last night. Right up until around 6:30, where I transition to the lightest sleep possible, while still calling it sleep. The last half hour is so nice, Crystal snuggles up close and we wake up in each others arms. It’s very romantic.

Then she farts adjacent to Pippin as she’s playing the footsie game. It’s cute to watch Pippin fix jump on her toes. It’s starting to be a wake up tradition.

The coffee is hot and tasty. So let’s get the day started! Happy Thursday! It is Thursday, right? Happy Thursday!

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