However, everyday I’m dumping the body

Good morning my friends. We have a low flying plane out there this morning. Aerial spraying of the crops. I think they were doing it last night, or wicked early this morning, but they’re still up there. Spreading the lords word on pesticides.

I slept like the dead. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out. I woke up sometime in the night, but I didn’t remove my mask to see what time it was. I just forced myself to hopefully fall back asleep. Thankfully I did.

Back to work this morning. Yesterday wasn’t too bad. There were events happening all around us, so we weren’t as busy as we usually are on a Saturday. I think I did everything that I was supposed to do whilst closing. I’ll find out today. It wasn’t too bad though.

So about an hour, maybe less, I start to get news alerts – assassination attempt on Trump. Craziness. Missed him by literal millimetres. So we watched on TV for a little while, then we moved on, and threw on some X-Files.

I need some more coffee. Happy Sunday, my friends and fellow interweb nerds. Hope y’all have a good day.

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