Hike up your skirt a little more, and show your world to me

We survived the torrential rains from yesterday. As soon as I walked out of work at 2pm, it started to rain. It rained for a couple of hours, then pretty much drizzled for the rest of the evening. It was a nice break in the heat.

But the heat is forecasted to come back with a vengeance today with a high of 98 freedom units or 37 beaver units. It’s gonna be a hot one today.

But right now, it’s totally comfortable outside. I moved the succulents back outside to dry out. As luck would have it, I watered them the night before, so of course it would rain the next day! That’s always how it is!

Today, we’ll it’s chore day, and then dinner at Shady Acres. I’ll be setting up the chromecast and Netflix for my dad this afternoon. He’s pretty good with technology, so he should be able to figure it out pretty fast.

But I’m gonna go, the coffee is ready. Happy weekend everyone!

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2 thoughts on “Hike up your skirt a little more, and show your world to me

  1. We’ve had pretty serious rains here too, a welcome break from the usual heat. My dog hates the rains though — he’s scared of the thunder, and doesn’t like it when the roads are wet. Sometimes he and I sit by the window and watch the rain drops as they fall through the mango trees outside. We love peaceful days like that. 🙂