He’s riding hard to catch that herd but he ain’t caught ’em yet

Hey hey, we’re awake. We were out way past our bed time last night. After the parade, I finished up the day, and we hopped in the Hot Mess Express, and headed to The Valley. The party was in fully swing when we got there. We quickly got our bearings, and grabbed something to eat – Crystal got a very tasty grilled cheese hotdog, and I grabbed some pulled pork tacos. Needing some fries, I got some and sat down to consume.

After the food, we wondered around and found the petting zoo. We petted all the animals. Crystal was able to pet a duck, which she said wasn’t too happy about being touched. We went home after that, because all the activities are pretty much for young kids.

Once the sun went down, we went back for the concert. The band was really good playing a mix of country and western. With just a little bit of rock thrown in. The fireworks were really great. They were launching them right over our heads.

Long story, short (too late). We got home after midnight sometime. We stumbled through our nightly routines, and climbed into bed. I forgot to shut off the alarm, so here we are. Mostly awake, and drinking coffee.

Pretty easy day here today – just chores, and dinner over at Shady Acres. It’s pretty much slothy time for the morning and afternoon. Happy Sunday, my friends!

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