He’s been getting reprieve from the heat in the frozen food section, yeah


A huge-ass storm came through these parts last night/early this morning. I think it started around midnight. It started with the wind – that’s what woke me up. Blind on blind action. After I opened the blinds a little to let the wind through, that’s when the Metallica concert started.


It sounded like the storm was right over The Flat. It was so freaking loud, and scared the crap out of me. Pippin, on the other hand was on the cat tree watching the show. Not scared at all. This kitten doesn’t scare easy.

So with it being so loud, I closed the bedroom window in hopes that it would be a little quieter so I could get back to sleep. It did help a little, and just as I was about to fall asleep after the storm had passed, i could hear Pippin out in the living room, playing with her carrot!

So this morning, I roll over mostly awake. The alarm clock said 5:55. That’s awesome, i have a lot more time to sleep. Not so. I’m mostly wide awake, i go out to pee and feed the cat, i just out of curiosity, look at my phone. There’s a good morning greeting from Crystal, and it’s 7:35. There must have been just about enough of a brownout to ONLY affect the clock radio. The stove clock was fine. Haha!

So now I’m an hour behind where I should be, but I have coffee, and I should probably get dressed. Today is grocery shopping day! I’m gonna finish my coffee first though!

Happy Saturday my friends!

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