And the lord said, let there be sound… and the talk radio turned on, and the people awoke. We’re awake here at the Flat. The sun is starting to shine. The cats are in their own spaces. Pippin is at the back door, watching her queendom, and Chaucer is on the pirate chest, 1000 yard staring. He’s like me, he needs a couple minutes to wake up. Shortly after he wakes up, he’ll find a nice spot to take a nap.
Yesterday was a blast. I think we hit almost every garage sale in town. Crystal won the TinyTown lottery, and got a few nice sheets, and I think two table cloths to make into cool pants. We also got a baking dish. Ooh! And a great little sewing basket for Crystal to put in all her bits and bobs into. She was also lucky enough to find a pair of Vibrams Five Fingers running shoes – IN HER SIZE!
I didn’t find anything that I just had to have. That’s ok, I wasn’t looking for myself. I was on the lookout for fabric for Crystal. I did find a soft cover New Moon. I had to walk to the car, and check my notes. I did it need the softcover, I need a hardcover. So I left it. I think if I’m going to get another set – it’ll be the white set.
We did find a cookbook that Crystal will probably send down to her mom. It’s a collection of recipes from homemakers clubs in Saskatchewan for the provinces golden jubilee. There’s some scary-ass recipes in there. I called out a couple, and Crystal came over and took a picture, and sent it to her mom. It’s from 1955, and was made to look like a group of women hand wrote it. I think Crystal said lithograph. But I could be wrong.

Mimeograph. That’s what she said.
Well, it’s chore day here. I’ll be starting that in a little while. Just the normal stuff. It shouldn’t take too long to complete. Just a little time consuming. But it’s easy – put stuff in to the washer. Washer, washes, dryer dries. Good times, amirite?