He lives on my block and he drives an IROC

Good morning my friends. Welcome to a new day, and a new week. It’s a bright and sunny day here, just windy out there. I think Pippin is cold, she hasn’t left my lap all morning, and before that, she was as close to me as she could while we slept.

But we’re both awake, and I have some coffee. If I want more, I need to move the lap cat that I have currently. I really want to get more coffee!

I don’t have anything planned for today. I hope that the Artemis launch goes through, so I can watch it. It’s exciting. NASA hasn’t launched anything for a while themselves – so that’s pretty cool.

According to the news, the launch may not happen. There’s leaks and other problems with it. I believe that with more than a decade of planning etc, etc that there’s problems. That’s just insane. Does no one check for leaks before it gets dragged out to the launch pad! Lol

Ok, time to disturb the kitten, and get some more coffee. Let’s hope it warms up soon. LETS GO MONDAY!

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