Good morning everyone. Crystal let me sleep in just a little bit, because she woke me up early a couple of days ago. She’s a fine, fair, beautiful, and wonderfully woke woman, and I love her for everything that she does.
It’s bright and sunny outside. It’s a slug day. I don’t really plan on getting dressed. I don’t have to go out anywhere. The biggest choice that I have to make is wings or burgers for dinner.
We’ll decide that a little later. Let the coffee kick in first, amirite? I’m pretty sure that I’m correct.
But since I had to work last night, tonight is date night. Good food, good movie, and a soak in the tub for Crystal.
And I think that I’ll play a little bit of Echos of Wisdom once I can focus my eyes reliably. So let’s get this day started! Happy Saturday y’all! Let’s all have a great-ass day.
Oh, I just remembered – it’s hoa hoa season. It’s just about time to do a binge of The SAGA. It’s just about time. It’s still cooking.