Have to catch an early train – got to be to work by nine

Good morning! Hap hap happy Tuesday! I think I actually had a restful sleep last night! Oh and Pippin can be quiet when she comes to bed. I think I only heard her meow once to come into the bed and curled up quickly and went to sleep.

Today, I’ll be driving all over the province to deliver some furniture, and to pick some up as well. It’ll be a long day, but I think it’ll be a good one. I told BossLady that I’d have no problem, as long as I didn’t have to back up the truck and trailer.

So yeah, I got up a little bit early today, so I could make it into work a lot earlier than normal. To get the last of the product into the trailer, and then leave at a somewhat normal time, so I’m not getting into TinyTown at a crazy hour. Because when I get back, I have to help BossLady load the trailer again.

Fun fun.

But first coffee. Mainline it.

Happy Tuesday!

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