Goin places I’ve never been, seein things that I may never see again

Awake. The alarm was set for 6am. That was unneeded, as my dad didn’t get home until 12:30 this morning, so the note I got this morning says we’ll leave around 10am. Sigh. I can’t go back to sleep once I’m awake. I basically got up, turned on the shower, and turned on the coffee. And now here I am. So you now get to read whilst I wax poetic for a while.

I had weird dreams last night. I was getting all sorts of weird calls, some spam, some like I said, weird. I got into a fight with my mom for some reason, and I woke up from sleep or a nap in my dream, and I remember saying “I hope you’re happy, now I’ll be in a bad mood all day…” weirdness for sure. I’m not in a bad mood. I’m sleepy, but that’s what I get for getting up early. Read on!

Small town living. Here in TinyTown, the sidewalks roll up at 6 when the grocery store closes. Sure, the “C Store” is open until 9, but that’s about 2km outside of town. Then it’s quiet. You can hear cows mooing. Some cars drive by. People wave at you. It took me about 2 weeks to get used to waving back. People are so nice here. But people definitely move at their own pace here. It’s relaxing, and frustrating at the same time.

I applied, and was approved for my provincial health card two days ago. I should have it in about 2 weeks. Then, I can get photo ID. Then, I can apply for a drivers license. Hopefully, I don’t have to go through the graduated license program. If I do, I’ll have to have a licensed driver with me for 2 years. And part of the testing includes parallele parking. In about the 20 years (rounded up) that I’ve been driving, I’ve never had to parallele park before. I understand the theory, just have never had to. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

This coffee tastes so freakin good right now. I need more.

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