Jesus Christ, the alarm goes off earlier and earlier, I think. 4:30 smacked me in the face today. I rolled/fell out of bed, and started the day. I was all out of my routine. I was mostly dressed before I put on the coffee pot.
It was all because of Chaucer this morning. The boy has a fetish for licking plastic, and the elastic that Crystal bough,,t, and her dreads are in plastic, and he was rubbing on them like it was last call at a dive bar. I tried quietly to shoo him away, and the little bastard (but but, he’s cute), swung at me.
He’s my best friend now though, because I have a lap, and for the moment, I’m not moving. So he’s my snuggle monster right now. He’s a good boy, except when it comes to plastic. But that’s ok.
He got back at me, by throwing up somewhere under the bed. Little bastard.
Work was too bad. A coworkers parent came in and basically said under no uncertain terms, that if the coworker had to pay the fine that he got, we’d also be closed on Saturdays, because the parent would make the coworker quit. So that coworker, when I left, was talking to the district manager and BossLady.
Good times.
I’m home now, and I think we might be having grilled cheese sandwiches, and tomato soup. It’s the perfect weather for it. It’s drizzling, and wicked gray outside. I might even nap whilst Crystal plays a video game.