Getting lonely as the days get dark if you’re bored and your mind starts changing

Good afternoon my friends. It’s me. I’ve been up on and off since about 4 this morning. I ended up at around 4:11am, pleading with my mind that my alarm would go off and looked at the clock to prove to myself that the alarm was actually on.

I fell back asleep, and the alarm scared the shit out of me when it went off. I rolled out of bed, turned the coffee pot on, and then did my bathroom stuff.

I came out, and fed Chaucer, and he was happy. He eventually snuggled on my legs for a little while then moved to the cushion next to me. When it was time to go, I got up and trudged out to the truck ready to start my day.

But now I’m home, and I’m ready to relax. Just a shift at work tomorrow stands before me then a day off. I’ll do my chores and stuff on Monday. But today. Relaxation. Possibly watching an Oscar nominated movie tonight.

Appetizers for dinner tonight! Whoop whoop!

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