Good morning my friends! It’s another dark morning out there. However, it doesn’t seem that cold out there. the coffee is brewing, and all that happy horseshit. The cats are doing cat things. We think Chaucer just ate a leaf, Pippin of course, is doing Pippin things.
My first closing shot was last night. I definitely prefer the morning shift – there’s way more things to do. More stuff to put away, just more things in general. I think there was a lot more downtime at night as well – less people coming through the doors. But for the most part, we got everything done long before the evening was over.
I left, and decompressed for about a half hour at home. I chose not to shower last night before bed, I’ll do it in a couple of hours, as it’s a week of closing, so I don’t have to be in until 1.
We are getting closer to the weekend. That’s a good thing. But we’re not quite there yet, but we’re making headway. Viva la weekend!