Fire all of your guns at once and explode into space

Good Sunday morning everyone! We’re face deep in the weekend now. It’s bright and sunny, and will probably be a nice day out. Today, I’ll be mowing the lawn over at Shady Acres this afternoon. My dad asked me in his way for me to do it – “you better take your allergy pills this weekend…”

So after doing all the chores here, I’ll be hopping on the ride on lawnmower, and spending an hour or so mowing their backyard. Lucky for me, there back yard is mostly covered in shade so it won’t be that hot back there.

But before all that, it’s chore day here. First up on deck is laundry. I’ll be doing the bedsheets as well this morning, so in a little bit, I’ll be stripping the bed. But I’ll need to have some coffee. But it should be a pretty good day.

Yesterday was pretty dead at work, but that’s to be expected. There was something much more important going on in town – Graduation Day for the high school seniors. I had a few people come in and look around. Only a few bucks in sales. But sales none the less. I got out of there pretty quickly right at two.

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