Finger paint the sun

Since it’s Thursday, the second hand store is open. I usually go and check out what books they have. I’ll pick up a book, and then put it down – leaving it to fate. If it’s there the next time I go in, I’ll pick it up. On Tuesday, there was a Jack Reacher novel. I put it back. Today I figured if it was there, I’d grab it.

It was there.

I bring it up to the counter, and the lady said it’s all you can stuff into a bag, it’s $5. Well then. Guess what I did?

“Dude, i filled the cup…”

I figure that if there’s some duds, I’ll bring them back, and then someone else can start the circle all over again.

I could’ve fit a few more in the bag, but nothing was jumping out at me, and I really had to pee. Plus, I still had to get the mail on the way home.

So I turned on some tunes, and started walking. It’s a short walk to the post office, maybe 5 or 10 minutes. I’m still getting used to YouTube Music. Aside from the terrible UI, the other wicked annoying thing YTM does is stop after EVERY song. So you’re always going and hitting play. But it’s kinda random. It’ll play 2 or 3 songs, then play one at a time. It’s wicked annoying.

Only a couple hours until Crystal gets home, I can’t wait!

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