Feel the magic, there’s something that drives me wild

Good morning! Happy Tuesday! The sun is slowly rising here and it’s, well, let’s just say it’s brisk out there this fine morning. It should warm up a little bit, but not too much.

Coffee is brewing, and Pippin just climbed up on my lap. I woke up to her snuggling me under the blankets. We were both toasty when the alarm went off.

I didn’t do a whole bunch of anything yesterday. It was nice, but without any type of human contact, I was starting to feel a little lonely by the end of the evening.

Dinner was ok last night. I had originally wanted chicken breast chunks, but after the chicken had thawed, I opened the bag – and the chicken smelt a little off. It smelled almost sticky. So I opted to make some popcorn chicken instead.

But it’s a new day, and a new week. Let’s get some coffee inside my body, and let’s greet the day. Happy Tuesday!

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