I was in a deep sleep when the alarm went off this morning. This, I’m super groggy this morning. I’m not looking forward to getting up at 4:30 in the morning next week.
But hey, it’s Friyay. When you’re closing, it just doesn’t hit the same way. But anyways, it’s Friyay, and I don’t have to work tomorrow. Thank god. I come home just drained by the end of the shift. I might turn off the alarm clock for tomorrow. I haven’t decided yet.
I slept like the dead. I don’t even remember moving or rolling over in the night. I’m just a little stiff and sore. Mostly my shoulder, but I’m pretty used to that pain now, so it doesn’t really matter. I have a pippin on my lap.
Work wasn’t too bad last night. There was three of us there. Which means the young guy got to do more things at night, since I was closing. Which didn’t go too badly. I was a little overwhelmed, but did pretty good. I just have to slow down and take my time a little bit.
Nothing planned for tonight. We’re not going to have a date night this weekend. I’ll cook something yummy for the queen to eat Saturday night. That’ll be our date night. And it’ll be awesome.