Daring duck of mystery, Champion of right

Awake! The alarm went off, and I unstuck my face from the pillow. I was a drooler last night. Crystal was a little warm but I think I was fine. Maybe a little warm, but not enough to really do anything to my sleep. Pippin was snuggled at my feet this morning.

All the curtains are open, it looks like it rained a little bit last night, but currently it’s sunny and just a slight breeze. According to the weather app, there’s a 30% chance that it might thunderstorm around 12 or 1. We’ll see. The last week or so, it’s been told that it was going to rain, however it mostly drizzled and then fizzled out. It’s gone back and forth between sunny and then gray. Hopefully the sun will come out and stay.

We did a whole bunch of nothing apart from running to SlightlyBiggerTown for groceries. We grabbed what we needed/wanted, and only forgot about a couple of things. After groceries, we stopped at Subway to grab lunch. We got everything put away, and lunch consumed – we turned on TotK. We took turns playing, and having fun. Crystal helped me through a quest in the Depths, and when it was Crystal’s turn, I gave amazing advice that caused her feather not once, but twice.

So I tried to not help after that!

Not too much on deck for today. It’s Sunday, so that means that it’s chore day, and dinner at Shady Acres. It’s a nice day where not a lot happens but things still get accomplished. I’ll start everything after another cup of coffee.

Sounds like fun? Maybe not a lot of fun, but shit needs to get done, and not all hero’s wear capes, so let’s just git er dun, amirite?

Yeah, let’s get it done, but before that – let’s have some more coffee. There’s prep work to do. I don’t want to start the prep work right now. Maybe in a little bit. But right now, it’s couch time with my beautiful genie pants wearing girl.

Happy Sunday! Praise Jeebus!

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