Creampuffs and bourbon and the music was louder my wife was competing in a game of chance

Good groggy morning. It’s a bright and sunny day, and I feel like I’ve ran a marathon. I’m sore, and need to take an Advil. You see, last night, I had a two hour allergy attack, and my body is still recovering from that. But I slept the whole night, and I could breathe the whole night as well. So that’s way better than Friday night into Saturday morning.

Like I said, it’s bright and sunny out there. It seems like it’s going to be a pretty good day, however it’ll get more and more cloudy throughout the day. According to the weather app that’s mostly right, and partially wrong most of the time – it’s supposed to be partly sunny, and a chance of rain in the next 39 minutes.

Don’tcha just love technology?

My head is still filled with a thick soup. Hopefully that’ll change. I hate my allergies.

I also got the rest of the tech hooked back up. That means the Chromecast, and the DVD player. It took a little bit of time, but the Switch, Roku, Chromecast, and DVD player are all talking to themselves again. It was touch and go for a little bit, but thankfully it’s all hooked up again. With the Switch, you have to plug things in, in a certain order. Strange!

Last night, as I was preparing to figure out what to watch, Crystal said “wait. Netflix. They Cloned Tyrone.” Ok! It’s been on my list, so we turned it on. I’m not going to give anything away, but if you have Netflix, you should really take the 2 hours to watch it. It’s good, really good.

But now it’s Sunday, and you know what that means. Chore day. That should be starting a little later. I need to wake up and get some of this soup out of my head. You know what helps? Coffee. Coffee helps. You should try some.

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