Consider this the hint of the century

Another day, another post. Hello all. It’s bright and sunny, but the wind. The wind just cuts right through you. I had a pretty good sleep last night, I was up just a minute or two before the alarm went off. So I got up and started the day.

With the days started I drove to work. I don’t mind the morning shift. I’m pretty much used to getting up at 4:30. I really like getting out early. But come on – 4:30 am?! That’s just cruel and unusual, if you ask me.

There’s been dram at work lately. WishJensenAckles has been messing some stuff up, and all that. So BossLady brought him into the office a couple of days ago. It did not go well. So higher up got involved yesterday. I don’t know how much longer he’s going to be around. All I know is that again, I’ll be pushed into things that I don’t really want. But it is what it is.

Doesn’t matter, I’m home now. I have no clue what we’re going to have for dinner. I wouldn’t say no to just a plate of meat or something like that. We’ll figure it out. I’m just simply tired.

I don’t think I have too much else to say, so I’ll just slowly disappear into the shrubs.

Back tomorrow. Have a great Thursday!

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