Morning, all. It’s been raining, I think for all night. These goddamn farmers better be happy with all this rain, cause I sure ain’t. I’m not even impressed. Now, it’s just warm, and I still have to wear a coat.
We’re all awake here, and Chaucer wants into my lap. He’s slowly making his way on to my lap. He’ll snuggle until I finish posting, then it’ll be time to start the day. He’s just happy to be on my lap. He’s a good boy.

Other than that, Pippin is up and looking out the front window. She cried a little to put the table out the back door. I explained why I wasn’t going to open the door for her this morning. She probably didn’t understand, but I said my piece and I think she’s ok with it.
Closing shift for a couple of days. I have to actually close the store a least a couple days this week and at least once next week, because my fears have come true, I’ll be the head honcho in a couple of weeks, ON A SATURDAY.
Oh joy.
I need more coffee.
Happy Tuesday you great people. I hope you have a drier day than I’ll be having!