Cartwheels in my stomach when you walk in

It’s bright and sunny outside. With just a slight cool wind. Yep, I’m home from work. It was wicked dead today. Only a couple of customers within the first couple of hours. But whatever, it doesn’t matter because I’m home now. We’re just trying to figure out what to have for dinner.

Pippin was a crazy kitten this morning. If she had to walk anywhere, she ran at full speed all around the flat. She just chased Chaucer off my lap, so she could sit on it.

Nothing much else going on. More rumours about the date night restaurant. They haven’t been open all this week, so I’m thinking, chances are pretty slim that they’ll be open tomorrow. So we’ll head over to the other restaurant in town. And get something to eat. Or maybe I’ll just call them and order a pizza for takeout.

But for now, that’s all folks. Happy Thursday.

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