Candle light and soul forever, a dream of you and me together

I almost slept through the night! I mostly slept through the night. Mostly because I dosed myself with an extra 5mg melatonin. Whenever I woke up (even when I spilled my water – and had to clean it up), I went right back to sleep.

With the extra melatonin, I think that kind of muted my dreams. They were there, but not right out in from so, they’re all really forgettable.

I don’t know what’s going on today. We might be going into SlightlyBiggerTown. Then again, we might not be. Anyways, I’m up showered, and currently pouring coffee in my face, so I’ll be ready either way.

I’m pretty sure I heard the news say we might get some snow sometime today, but it’ll melt. Cow-town got some either yesterday or Thanksgiving. So it’s coming.

Winter is coming.

And we’re all sweet summer children.

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