Call me in the morning, I’ll be on the way

Weird dreams last night. I remember stacking used mattresses, and getting in a car accident. The weather here again is grey and cold. It’s almost the end of may, and I’m wearing a sweater and a toque. 4 days ago, I wore shorts to work.

And now, here I am. I just turned the heat up. Last night I put the blanket back on the bed. And I turned on the bed last night.

Yesterday at work, I was a building machine. Well the last couple of days, I’ve been building.

Pretty nice huh? I’m proud. I took my time, and didn’t screw anything up. The black stand at the bottom took me about 2.5 hours. It’s an entertainment unit, and electric fireplace.

But, the coffee is ready, so I’m gonna grab some. Happy Friyay everyone! We made it!

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