But if you’d really grab me tight – all the way home I’d be warm

So we had our first major snowstorm here. I couldn’t tell if it was snowing hard, or if it was the 30kmh winds. I think it was the winds because where i had just shovelled it had drifted.

I think it snowed maybe 6-7 inches. Total. My dad says there’s about 4 inches on the ground where I shovelled last night.


I slept like a stone last night. Up just once to pee. And then I was out again. I needed a solid sleep like that.

My mom has some pretty wild cats, and this is what she has to do every night. I don’t think they even exchanged gifts or put up a tree last year or the year before. Somewhere in there is a gift for me and Crystal. When I saw it last night, I had tears in my eyes.

So yeah. Sigh. Tears. I love you

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