Brother Pele’s in the back, sweet Zina’s in the front cruisin’ down the freeway in the hot, hot sun

Good groggy morning my friends. I believe that it’s Saturday out in the real world. It’s bright and sunny out there, and we’re expecting it to be a warm day today. All that stands between me, and the weekend is a short shift at work.

I slept like the dead last night. I think that I got up around 3 to go to the bathroom. I think when I was finished that, I wandered into the kitchen. Once I got there, I had no idea why I went to the kitchen. So I shuffled back, and climbed into the bed, and crashed again.

The alarm didn’t frighten me like it usually does. It was on, and I slowly opened my eyes. This’ll be my first Saturday shift in a few weeks. I’ve been pretty lucky, and I have worked a lot of weekend shifts. But today starts the next three Saturdays that I’ll be working.

Yesterday was wicked dead at work, but I had a couple of customers come in, so naturally that got the family pass for the rodeo that started yesterday. They were very happy about getting it. That made my day.

Crystal spun fire again last night. It’s so cool to see her doing that. She wanted to spin twice, but I unknowingly screwed up the second burn. It’s hard to tell if there kerosine in the pot. The first poi sucked it all up, so there was nothing left for the second on.

The first burn, was freakin awesome though!

Ok time to mainline some coffee and wake up. Happy Saturday!

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