Book review – The Strange Library

Hey hey book nerds! Now it’s been a while since I’ve hosted a book review. I usually just talk a book to death in the book club. Crystal got me this cool book – The Strange Library by Haruki Murakami for my birthday. It’s really to short to break up for Book Club, so I figure that it would be better just to do a quick review of it instead.

Clocking in at 96 pages, I knew it was going to be a quick read, and boy was I right. I think it took me about a half hour to 45 minutes to read. I went into this book not knowing what was going to happen. What a wild ride.

This is supposed to be a children’s story? What a dark story for a kid. But maybe Japanese children are better prepared for this type of story.

Suffice it to say, I loved it. It was easy to follow, and even with 96 pages, Haruki really paints a rich full world in his book. You’re thrown right into the middle of it – right from the first page, seriously.

So, book nerds, if you see this book – buy it! You won’t be disappointed. I really really enjoyed it so much.

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