Book Review: Midnight Sun

The book I didn’t think I needed to read! It’s not secret that I loved the Twilight Saga (although, I haven’t finished any other Twilight book since I got here), I didn’t think I needed to read a, and let’s be honest, a retelling of Twilight.

I was wrong.

This book is pretty much all Edward, all the time. He’s so far in his head, that I don’t think he’s ever be able to claw his way out of it.

There is one funny scene that I remember. It’s shortly after he’s met Bella, and he’s imagining/day dreaming of killing everyone in the class, especially Mike Newton, whom he just hates on a visceral level, just so he could drink all of Bella’s blood undisturbed.

While Edward’s side of things was very interesting, I loved learning more about his family. Alice is amazing in this book.

Just wait until you get to the “Phoenix Incident”. It’s glorious, and makes the whole book a show stopper.

Now, I want a book from Alice’s POV.

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