Hey hey book nerds! Long time no reading. Yeah, I went through a bit of a reading slump as of late. But thanks to BossLady being gone, and harvest here, it’s pretty slow at work. So I ran home and grabbed my book.

Let me first say that this is a gorgeous book. When it finally arrived, I quickly flipped through it while on a video call with Crystal – she’s the one that thought that I’d like it, she knows my tastes so well. I loved it on first sight.
Bats of the Republic by Zachary Thomas Dodson is an amazing book. Essentially, there’s two stories – the first one is set in the Republic of Texas in the year 2143, and the second in 1843. These two stories are intertwined.
I don’t want to give too much away – but I will mention an envelope in the back of the book that says DO NOT OPEN. I had finished the book, and was still uncertain if I should open it.

I’m glad that I did. What a great book – I think I understand it. But you know what’s great about books? If you don’t understand a part in it, you can go back and reread it.
I definitely plan to reread this beautiful amazing book.
Until next time, book nerds!