Book club – The Arctic Fury

Hey hey book nerds! It’s Sunday, so you know that means it’s time for Meet the Press er, that’s not right. It’s time for The Lockup Library Book Club. That’s right, if you’re new here we do this every week. I try hard to do one book a month. This month, I started a little late, and this book is a little on the thick side. So it may bleed into February, but we’ll see. I’ve been reading more at night – simply because I haven’t found a replacement for Netflix’s Bridgerton, but I digress.

Ok, The Arctic Fury. What a ride so far. Each chapter is either in 1854 at the trial of the main character, Virginia Reeve, or in 1853. In 1853, it follows Virginia, and 11 other women who have been tasked by Lady Franklin to find her husband Sir John Franklin (Franklin’s lost expedition).

I’m really enjoying the book so far. I’m really wishing there was more chapters on the trip to the Arctic circle. The trial parts I find pretty dry. I’m sure it’s going to pick up on that front.

So if you haven’t checked of The Arctic Fury yet, do it. It’s great!

Until next time book nerds!

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