bonne fete du canada!

Happy 156th birthday Canada!

That’s right, it’s Canada Day! It’s starting out to be a quiet day here in TinyTown. It’s slightly overcast, but should be getting sunny and hot later on today.

I don’t think that TinyTown is doing anything. Maybe someone in town will fire off some fireworks. We’ll see. the last couple years, a guy a street over usually fires of some.

Yesterday at work wasn’t too bad. BossLady took a half day, and rolled in about 1:30ish. At this point, I’ve been somewhat busy, but have completed my list. I do a couple of extra things, just to get out of the building. All in all, not too bad of a day!

I don’t know what we’re going to do today, but we’ll have fun no matter what we’ll do. To make sure that we’ll have fun, I have coffee in front of us, and we’re consuming it.

While I may not know what we’re doing today, but I do know what we’re having for dinner. Yesterday after work, I stopped at the store and picked up some hotdogs, buns, and chips. We’re gonna get our white trash holiday dinner! Woot!

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