Blood in the streets in the town of New Haven

Oh, hello there. I’m pretty sure I slept through the night. I don’t think I moved in the night, so I’m a little stiff. When I woke up, both kittens were on the bed all snuggled in. I slept like the dead.

It’s trying so very hard to be bright and sunny outside. It’s not too bad out there, a little cool but should be a nice day out there. The coffee is brewing m, and the cats are wandering around. I think Pippin is on the back door table, and I’m not too sure where Chaucer is.

Yesterday at work wasn’t too bad. I think I got quite a bit done. I built some furniture, and helped one customer out, and sold her a lamp, so all in all not too bad of a day. I even made some phone calls and actual work as well. So it was a little steady, but mostly slow.

Sorry but the words aren’t coming too easy this morning. So I’m gonna sign off. Drink some coffee and know in your heart of hearts that the weekend is coming pretty quick. Happy Thursday!

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