Besides, no one’s interested in something you didn’t do

It’s Wednesday. It’s bright and sunny out there. Should be a nice and warm day today. Good morning everyone, I hope that you all had a good sleep. I was up a little early to pee, and then dozed/slept until the alarm went off.

It was a little warm, but I adjusted a little, and managed to fall back asleep. The coffee is brewing, and we each have a mug full. It tastes pretty good.

I worked until about 3:30 yesterday. I played out in the “garden” yesterday. I weeded pretty much the whole bed, and it looks so much better out there. This paved the way for BossLady to just step in and make it pretty.

After work I was filthy, and very very sore. So I hopped in the shower, and afterwards I felt a lot better. I played a little TotK, and then made dinner and then watched Crystal play.

I don’t know what to expect today. I’m sure it’ll probably be action packed. I’ll need more coffee!

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