Barefoot on a summer night never could be sweeter than with you

Finally made it to what’s left of the weekend. I have today and most of tomorrow off. I just have to be at work from 7-12 tomorrow. Not bad. Inventory.

Yesterday was… a product of the day. It was a hard afternoon that slowly got easier as it got later in the day. It was also a frustrating day. But you know what? Let’s not dwell in the past. Today is another day. And it’s movie night! The movie has been picked for about a week. It’s Crystal’s favourite apocalyptic movie – The Day After Tomorrow.

Needless to say, she’s a little excited!

Other than that, there’s no plans for the day. Just sloth mode. I’ll do the chores after work tomorrow. And we’ll probably have breakfast for dinner tomorrow as well.

Have I mentioned how I love to wake up next to Crystal every morning? Even though she’s a furnace? It’s all good, she’s an amazing snuggler.

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