Backbeat, the word is on the street

Good morning everyone. It’s Sunday funday. The coffee is brewing and I want to thank you for stopping by.

Yesterday I went to checkout the flat. It’s tiny, and cozy. I told the land lady that I’d take it, then provided my mom and BossLadies phone numbers for references. She’s going to write up the lease paperwork tomorrow. It’ll be mine on April 1st.

It’s tiny but useable.

I’m happy, excited and scared to be moving. Like I told Crystal yesterday, it feels like I’m moving out of a half way house. Everyone means well here, it’s just I don’t do anything for myself. Laundry is taken care of. I don’t cook. I cooked here a couple of times. It went ok.

When I’m here, I just exist. I really don’t do anything for myself. I think it’s time. I probably won’t miss the grandfather clock going off.

Yes, there’s a decal on the wall.

I will miss people. Oh god I talk like I’m moving out of the province to a cabin in the woods. Mom says I can still come to dinner every night until Crystal gets here. I’m thinking maybe just dinner on the weekends, but we’ll see how much more human interaction I need. Some days, I’d have preferred to just make something quick and just shut down on my bed. Some days I don’t have the energy to talk with people after work.

So I have a month and two more pay checks to get everything all together. I could do it right now, but it would be very very tight. So with two more pay checks under my belt to get utilities and whatnot turned on.

I love to do laundry.

I have a running list going on my phone of stuff I’m going to need. Food stuffs, cleaning supplies, cooking supplies, etc. So if you’re so inclined, post a quick comment of stuff that you’d think I’d need, or stuff that you forgot when you moved into a new house or apartment.

I hear movement. Shady Acres is slowly starting to wake up. It’s a bright cold and sunny day so far. High of -10 today. Almost tshirt and shorts weather. Not.

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3 thoughts on “Backbeat, the word is on the street

  1. Stick to basics and only what you need right now. You don’t need to buy towels for two people if there’s only one. A plunger, and a drain stopper for the tub if it needs one.

    Keep an eye open for awesome deals on small appliances at your regular secondhand places. While you probably won’t need a food processor or a stick blender, you’ll probably want a toaster and a microwave.

    You know you’ll use the spices we talked about last night – cayenne or some sort of chili powder, cumin, and paprika. Buy some parsley, basil, and oregano now, and other dried herbs as you need them. Add cornstarch to your list at some point, and I’ll give you a good recipe for the homemade fajita/taco seasoning I make by the jarful and works with anything. Maybe set up an herb garden at your parents house for you to pick from, it will give you something to do with Gram when you go over.

    Get a footstool and keep your feet off the coffee table.