To a deluxe apartment in the sky

Hey hey. This’ll probably be short. I have a bit of a headaches, and I’m a little sleepy, so I may or may not nap shortly. We’ll see.

Yesterday was pretty nice, chores in the morning, and then some yummy brunch. I guess if I’m known for any dishes, it would be my brunch. Even though it’s nothing special, just eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, and waffles. It’s still really good. And I’ll have it again next Sunday as well.

After all the chores and brunch and stuff, we headed over to Shady Acres. I had to finish hauling in the wood pellets. Then I loaded the buckets with pellets. I didn’t have to clean the stove, as it was still running. So I didn’t have to get too dirty. We had a yummy roast pork dinner, and a lovely spice (?) cake for desert.

We got home, and fed the cats, and sat down on the couch to relax before having to go to bed at an old persons time. Because for me, 4:30 comes wicked early.

I put in a full 8 hours at work, and now here I am. Pretty interesting, huh?

Little darlin’, it’s been a long, cold, lonely winter

Good morning my Sunday friends. Yep, it’s the end of the weekend, and we’re on the couch with our yummy coffees. I have Chaucer up on my lap, and Pippin is having some breakfast.

Spring is slowly making her way back to where we are. In the mornings, if I get up at a normal time, the sun is closer and it’s mostly daylight out. The days are getting longer. I can’t wait for the real spring. I’m getting tired of the marshmallow world.

We did the adult thing yesterday, and drove to SlightlyBiggerTown for some groceries, and a trip to the “plant store”. You gotta love the euphemisms that I force you to read.

We went to the weed store and purchased some weed.

Then it was off to Subway for a quick to go lunch, then it was back on the road to TinyTown. We have it down to a science, and we’re back before 1 pm.

Chores will be started here soon. That’ll be fun.

More coffee first.

But everybody’s like Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your timepiece

Good morning my friends. The alarm has just gone off here. Well, about 20 minutes ago. But, here we are. We have the first cups of coffee in front of us, and the cats are competing for my lap. We ended up moving Pippin, because she was on the verge of making Chaucer get up.

I think I slept like the dead. But weirdly enough, I also possibly see a nap in the future. I don’t know if it’ll happen, but it might. I’ll have to report back either way. Because, I know all y’all are just hoping, and waiting for such an important update.


Yesterday, I found the first “Chuck Buck” in the wild. I caught it out of the corner of my eye. I’m the first to find one, within the group at work. I’m sure they’ve been spotted, but this is the first one that I’ve seen. It’s really weird to see someone else other than the queen on the coins.

Everybody’s working for the weekend

Good Friyay morning everyone! We’re almost there. Almost to the weekend. All that stands between us is a crappy little mid shift! But we will survive it, and make it to the weekend.

The closing shift last night wasn’t too bad. It was steady at times, but all things considered, a very quiet shift. We got some things done, and got the hell out of there when we could.

I got home, and had a cup of hot cocoa, and watched some of the State of the Union. Biden was on fire last night, from what I saw. The Republican response was totally hilarious. I’m sure the Alabama senator is totally a lizard.

She has to be. No human could or should be like her.

Now, I’m just going to finish some coffee and prepare for the work day. Have a great day y’all!