If the world was ending, I’d wanna be next to you

I’m awake. I slept like a log last night.

The sun is slowly rising here. But it look windy out there. In a couple of hours, we’ll be heading to SlightlyBiggerTown for a much needed resupply.

We’ll be hitting the normal places that we always do. Grocery store, weed shop, subway. It’ll be a fun day, if you were closer, I’d say that you should join us.

I’ll head up in a little while to pick up mom’s truck, and we’ll be off in a cloud of snow for the 30 minute trip to the next town over. It doesn’t look too bad out there, so I hope it’s not, you know, icy wasteland.

But I hope y’all have a great Friday. I also hope that y’all are enjoying my featured images this past week. I’ve been having fun with Grok 2. Have a great weekend my friends!

I’m not skinny and I pull a Britney every other week

Good morning my friends. We’re awake. I think I probably could’ve slept for at least another 20 minutes. But I’m an adult, and it’s time to get up. Besides, Crystal has probably been up for like 5 hours already.

Yesterday was pretty much the second day of sloth. I only left the house because Crystal’s Christmas present arrived at the post office. Well according to the CanadaPost app, it was delivered. The part time clerk couldn’t find it. What either of us didn’t know, is that the clerk before she helped me, put the package slip in my post office box.

Long story short – she couldn’t find it.

I went back to the post office box, and there’s the slip. Even with the slip, she had trouble finding it. Even though she was the one that put all the packages in their spots.

Even longer story short, Crystal is typing on her new Chromebook as we speak. So all is right.

Back to work today. I’m gonna need coffee to wake up and focus my eyes. Happy Thursday everyone.

And you see me holding up my middle finger to the world

It was totes a sloth day yesterday.

With the exception of me jumping the Hot Mess Express. I started my mom’s truck, and looked over to where the Hot Mess was parked. There was a car parked right next to it. So I figured I would try to start it. Even though it wouldn’t start two days ago.

I get in and it starts right up. So I drive my mom’s truck back to Shady Acres, and walk back to the Flat. I hop in our car, and go for a quick drive just to help charge up the battery.

When I get home I prep for brunch and continue to do the laundry. Then I make the brunch. Crystal changed up a little and I made her an egg, which she turned into an egg, bacon, and cheese sandwich.

After that, I pretty much played Persona 5 Royal for the rest of the day. I mean it: rest of the day.

‘‘Twas a good day.

I just wanna love someone who calls me “baby”

Ahh the first day of the Trump presidency. Did you see his coronation yesterday? We watched a little bit of it, then Crystal finally asked me to shut it off, so I put on YouTube TikTok compilations, and that’s what we watched until it was time for me to go to work.

Work wasn’t too bad yesterday. Slightly busy, but wicked cold out there. The wind was just going right up the back of my jacket. No matter which way I was standing the wind was pretty much going right through me.

I woke up in the middle of the night wondering if I had eggs for brunch. Then my mind was like if you don’t have eggs for brunch you can go out and get some eggs, and have breakfast for dinner.

So we’ll see.

But first, coffee.

Happy Tuesday y’all.