Von Dutch, cult classic, but I still pop

God morning my friends. I got to sleep in a little bit today. This making Crystal lay in bed and scroll on TikTok. The new sleeping mask is really nice.

Since I just woke up, I’m struggling to figure out what to write to you lovely readers. What do I have to talk about? I think I covered it in yesterday’s post. Maybe? Probably not.

I think we might be going to the second hand store today. It’s still windy out there, so that probably rules out walking there. But we’ll head over there. I do need to buy some cereal, so I have breakfast for tomorrow. Then after work, we’ll probably go grocery shopping, and all those rounds in SlightlyBiggerTown.

But right now; coffee for the coffee god!

Spit me out like hot wasabi

Good morning everyone. I know it’s afternoon. But I do what I want. I tried out my new sleep mask last night, and it didn’t fall off in the night. I slept, but I don’t think it was too restful. I was up early, because I was all stuffed up. I woke Crystal up with my snoring, so we’ll go to bed either in time or early tonight, even though I have tomorrow off.

It was pretty slow customer wise at work, but we got a delivery, so we put that away. We dealt with the customers that did come in. It was pretty slow/steady. I scrolled to the end of the internet on YouTube shorts, and saved about 110 of them to show Crystal when I got home.

Other than that, not too much is going on. We’re having burgers and fries for dinner tonight. Those’ll be yumtastic fo sho.

‘Cause I don’t trust no one to love me back, but she say, “I do”

Here I am. Just in from work. Work wasn’t too bad this morning. I had a plan. I left all the empty propane tanks for today. And as luck would have it, I was the third person today. So I went out shortly after we opened, and filled 8 propane tanks.

Color me accomplished.

Then I just helped customers, and put out some overstock. Around 9:0-10, the milk arrived, so I waited until it was all in the building, then I put that out as well. We were completely wiped out.

Happy customers.

I got a text from my mom around 11 or so, saying that family would be coming on the labor day weekend. I put in for the time off. Just the Saturday, Sunday, and the holiday Monday. BossLady already had the schedule. I’m working all weekend.

Of course I am.

Mom asked if I could switch shifts with someone. I replied back, that I wasn’t even going to bother to ask anyone, because why would anyone want to work a long weekend when they already have it off.


In other news, WishJensenAckles blew the engine in his truck over the weekend. Apparently, they don’t make replacement engines for his truck, but he found one at a junker for $9000. He paid 12k for the truck. I don’t know what he’s going to do.

I don’t know if I’m tired enough to nap. Probably in about 20 minutes I’ll be wishing I did nap.

So it goes.

Police have got the choke hold, oh, then we just lost the beat

It’s a provincial holiday today. I’m up earlyish, because I have to work the day. I have my coffee, and the news is on.

I was out pretty much as soon as my head hit the pillow. It’s been cooler around here so we were under all the blankets last night. Oooh the weighted blanket. I was out until the alarm went off.

It was a lot cooler out there yesterday, we were way below the forecast. I actually wore a hoodie all day, and I’ll probably wear one most of the day today. It just looks cool out there today. Yeah, it’s overcast out.

So yeah, let’s enjoy some coffee this chilly morning, and mentally prepare for a nice hot shower in a few, shall we?