I think it’s time for you to take me out this club

Good morning my friends. It’s a bright and probably chilly morning here in TinyTown. The whole house is awake. We have beverages, and I have a very content Chaucer on my lap.

Work wasn’t too bad last night. It was almost the perfect amount of busy. It was a good mix of busy, and downtime. At the end of the night, I did cash in a customers sport bet ticket. It was a doozy one too.

Crazy huh? He came in at the end of the night, after talking to BossLady. He knew that we may or may not have the cash. As luck would have it, we did. He left happy, and I didn’t have to put all the money into the nightly deposit.

Good times.

Back to work tonight. The weekend is getting closer and closer!

And I’m not scared of your stolen power

Opera man was in the house last night and this morning. Yowling.


Good times.

It felt like it took me forever to fall asleep last night. At first I couldn’t get comfortable, then I was a little too warm, etc. it felt like I fell asleep to a cat screaming in the kitchen.

But sleep I did. I think I was just a little tossy turny. I was more than comfortable, just a light sleep at the beginning.

Work wasn’t too bad last night. There was three of us, so there wasn’t too much to do, when you split the jobs three ways. But we made it through the night unscathed.

I get to do it all over again today. In just a few hours to be exact. But before all that happy horseshit, I get to snuggle with the beautiful one, and two kitties.

My twisted humor make him laugh so often

Here I am, I’m awake! Really I am. Just trying to get my eyes to focus. I have both cats on my lap this morning. I do like it, however, I do want to get up, and get more coffee.

I slept like the dead last night. Only up for a couple of seconds around 6. But I just rolled over and fell back asleep. It is however, bright and sunny out there. But it does look like it’s chilly out there.

It’s warm in the apt.

Yesterday wasn’t too bad. I was lazy, and I didn’t do half of my chores. I’m pretty ok with that.

Back to work this afternoon. I had switched shifts with a coworker on Saturday, as you know. I had to go to the store yesterday, because my mom’s potato’s were rotten, and that coworker was there, and said he had a present of joints for me, because I switched shifts.

Aww that’s nice 🙂