How you pick me up, pull ’em down, turn me ’round, oh, it just makes sense

It snowed yesterday morning.

I’ll let that sink in.


Worked again last night. It was a steady night. But enough for two people can handle. The night went mostly quick. Like I’ve said in the past, I like working nights.

We got out of there within the normal amount of time me, to go home, after dropping of the newest employee at his place. Earlier in the evening, he got a text from his girlfriend. His hot water heater shit the bed last night.

But since this is a small town, he actually works part time at the local hardware/home improvement store. His new hot water heater should be installed today. And he’ll be learning how to install one.

Not too much planned for today. Working again, but I won’t be playing the roll of adult. That’s another persons task. I’ll just be there as a non-key holder.

But right now; kitten snuggles and coffee. I believe it’s Thursday, so let’s all go out and kick some ass.

And in the strip mall, town of dreams

Good morning my friends. It’s Tuesday. It’s election night. Donny T vs. Kammy H. Let’s hope good and niceness can over power shittyness and smelly. I’ll be working, but I’ll be paying attention to what’s going on while at work.

It took me a little while to fall asleep. I had to lean over to find my vape, and pulled in that thrice. And then finally I fell asleep. I think the clock said 12:30. I passed out right away, but woke up a little while later. I realize now it was just a light sleep, and Pippin was out of the world last night. She was running all over the place when Crystal, Chaucer, and I just wanted to sleep.

I need more coffee. Let’s get it! Happy Tuesday! If you’re in the states, GET OUT AND VOTE!

Ain’t got antlers on the walls, but I sure know mating calls

Good morning, welcome to another Monday morning. It’s gray, and slightly chilly out there. I think it’s the new norm if you ask me. I’m nit impressed, but it is fall. And it’s been a really nice fall so far.

The weekend, of course, flew by. But it always does. When you work five days, the two that you get off, seem to fly by. This week is a little different. I have Friday off the week, but I’m working the entire weekend.

Yay, I say. Yay.

I don’t really have too much to write about at this moment. I’m still a sleepy head. But I have coffee and Crystal. I’m already winning.