Only one thing that’d make me do this kinda dance Nah, it ain’t this wine, that’s got me buzzin’

Sup. I’m awake. Chaucer let us sleep through the night I believe. I either dreamed that I got up in the night, or I actually got up in the night. We’ll never know. Either way I believe we (at the very least, me), actually slept through the night.

That’s a good thing for sure. I checked the schedule at work last night and found out due to just the pure luck of having a random schedule, I’m not a “key holder” all week. It’s like a mini vacation for me. I still have to do a lot of the tasks, but in my mind, I’m not the one responsible for everything. For example, I don’t have to prepare the nightly deposit, I get to dump the coffee!

But since yesterday was my Friday, I’ll be doing chores today. I got laundry and all that fun stuff to take care of. And as luck would have it, toaster will be coming out this afternoon.

This afternoon, we’ll probably pop out to the second hand store. And by pop out I mean warming the car up, and driving over. I’d walk but it’s too frickin cold out there to drag the Beautiful One out to walk.

Might be a bitch in the morning so catch me at night time

All that stands between me and my weekend is one simple shift. I’m pretty sure that I can survive it. Yesterday wasn’t too bad, Sunday shifts always seem long than they really are. It felt like I was clocking out at 9, when it was only 6.

I pretty much fell asleep pretty quickly last night. I think it was around 5(?) this morning when I woke up and had to go to the bathroom. I did what I needed to do, then crawled back into bed. I was a little too warm, and a lot too stuffed up to comfortably sleep. I did fall asleep, but it didn’t feel like it was a restful sleep.

But for right now, I’m just trying to wake up. Chaucer is snuggled up in between us. Pippin is around somewhere, probably getting into trouble. I just had to get up to see what she was doing, and I was right. She was getting into trouble.

Good times.

It’s also supposed to be wicked cold today. I believe the high today is supposed to be 8°. Yep. Ass munchingly cold.

Happy Monday, y’all!

Big Glo come through, shut shit down, I’m bringin’ hoes out

Chaucer has been singing his opera since about 3 am. Randomly. I was able to get mostly back to sleep, but my poor Crystal has been up since the beginning.

It’s gonna be a long day. For both of us.

It snowed in the night. It was mowing when I got off work last night. I drove down the middle of the highway. I’m going into work a little early to do snow removal, and to do a task the opener couldn’t do yesterday. Yay.

Last night about 15 minutes before we closed the phone rang. The other employee picked it up. English isn’t his first language, so I took the phone. The guy on the other end was saying that the roads were terrible, and would be arriving about 10 minutes after we closed. I told him if he arrived after hours we wouldn’t be able to help him. But we’ll need gas. Sorry man no one is going to be here. He tells me, and I quote: “you’re a fucking cocksucker, and I’m going to post online about this.”

I texted BossLady, so she’s aware of it and I moved on with my day. We were just cleaning our cars off at 10 after. No one. Oh well.

Back to work today should be home shortly after 6. Yay.

A heaven of diamonds shine down through the night

Well, it hasn’t started snowing yet. It was crazy at work yesterday. The town was in panic mode because a huge storm is coming. And while it has changed the forecast over the last couple of days. They’re saying about 5-9”. If we see all that, I’ll be surprised. But yeah, it was non stop in the store until probably about 8:15.

I expect the same today, until it starts to snow. Just looking at the forecast, we’re not even expecting snow until like 8 tonight. So we’ll see for sure.

Last night during our nightly hot cocoa, I filled my mug, and it cracked. There was a small crack but now it’s a large crack. I had to go back to my back up mug. I also have to remember to get more cocoa tonight.

Pippin is really nonchalantly is trying to get on my lap. Wait, she’s changed her mind and is making biscuits right beside Chaucer and I.

Happy Saturday y’all if you’re in the snow zone, please be safe.