Move it up, down, left, right, oh Switch it up like Nintendo

Good windy morning everyone. I can hear the wind this morning. It’s gonna be like this all day. And cold. A cold and windy day today. Yay.

Yesterday was totally a day at work. At the same time our delivery comes in, half the town suddenly needed to be at the store. And lemme tell you some were needy. Like two people back to back in a line, both didn’t have the money in their account and had to stand there and transfer money.

It’s funny both people stood there and transferred the money from one account to another. At the end of the transaction, then they turn around and see the rest of the people in line. Apologies for everyone at that point. Lol

But we got through it, but mentally all of our timelines were off by an hour. So we scrambled to catch up, and managed to close the store just in time. It was a pretty good day for sure.

After today, it’s all down hill to the weekend.

Someone pass the coffee. Daddy needs his go-go juice. Happy Wednesday y’all.

Tell me that I got a big heart, then back it up with evidence

Fine, fine – I’m awake, but I’m not liking it. It’s cold and dark outside. But, it’s supposed to be warmer than yesterday. Yesterday, was just a little chilly.

Work wasn’t too bad yesterday. Like I said, it was cold. But, I had a pretty good coworker, so we handled it like bosses. We took turns going outside, and the day passed slowly still. The 3 o’clock hour was the actual slowest in terms of time passing.

The cool thing? I get to do it all over again tonight! That’s exciting, isn’t it? I totally think so!

But before that, I need to make my eyes focus, and wake up. Let’s do this Tuesday!

I won’t even stay awake to hear those magic reindeer click

Good morning y’all. It’s a brand new week up here north of the wall. It’s snowed yesterday morning, but thankfully, it was light and fluffy when I went out to shovel yesterday evening.

I was wicked lazy yesterday. I did the laundry? And then promptly forgot about all other chores. I did make brunch. But that was about it really. All I did for 90% of yesterday was play Persona 5 Royal.

That’s all I did.

In my defence, I only play it on my days off. It’s the type of game you can’t say well, I’ll just play an hour. It’s not that easy. You can only save the game in certain areas, and then there’s the fact that exposition could go on for 10-15 minutes.

I really like the game though.

So with my schedule this week, the next time I can play is next Saturday. So that means that Crystal can catch up, and over take me again. She’ll watch me play up to the point that I overtake her progress. So now when she wants to play this week, she’ll have some content to unlock.

Back to work today. I’m closing all week. I need more coffee. Happy Monday everyone.

Oh, baby, all I want for Christmas is you

The Beautiful One let me sleep in! We’ve just climbed out of bed. I think I really needed it. It was the best sleep I’ve had in at least a week. I was not disturbed by kittens or any other outside forces. It was a restful and restorative sleep. I woke up felling better than the day before.

Yesterday was a day to be sure. I worked first thing in the morning and watched my coworker take his time for pretty much anything. One task that we have to do is environmental stuff. It literally takes about 10 minutes to start and complete. It took him just about 5 hours to complete it.

What the fuck?

I don’t know. I simply don’t know. But that’s ok.

Today, I have nothing planned. Not going over to Shady Acres, because I’m freakin sick, so we’ll do special breakfast, and dinner today. Other than that, it’s snowing out, and I don’t even want to leave the house.

So that’s the day. Chores, food, and probably video games. And coffee.