Here’s your ticket pack your bag time for jumpin’ overboard

So it snowed here last night. When u went out this morning to look around and have a smoke, I looked over to the Hot Mess Express, and it looked like there was like a foot of snow on top. So I figured when I went out to start it, I’d just stay out and clean it off, and then head to work a little early. So I did that, and headed off to work.

Well, I was a little early. So I get out, and just started to shovel. I’m sure it was appreciated. It’s a nice day out, the wind is hardly blowing, so it wasn’t too bad out. And it needed to be done.

I shovelled about 4 or 5 times before the shift was over. It’s nice exercise, and it’s mindless. So that’s that I did. Plus, it’s really nice when you come in, to grab a hot chocolate.

I was wondering what some of the highway cams looked like whilst the snow fell down, so I took a look. It didn’t look pretty out there.

I wonder what’s for dinner tonight? Crystal hasn’t said anything yet. We’ll figure it out.

Pay your toll, sell your soul pound for pound costs more than gold

Hello. It’s been a long day, but the work day is over. I worked last night until 9. Got home around 9:20, and 40 minutes later I was getting into bed. I had a little bit of trouble falling asleep. Then the alarm went off at 4:30. Work.

I get to work, and start the opening procedures. I only made 2 mistakes. I copied down the wrong set of numbers. I was close though, and I’m learning! So opening is finished and we’re ready to work. BossLady says “oh, I have something for you.” Spoiler alert, it wasn’t a day off with pay.

Ugh, keys to the store. It’s almost official.

Yesterday was a coworkers last day. After she left, and the other second shift guy came in, he went in the the break room, and wrote this on the whiteboard:

Good times.

Perogies for dinner tonight. That means bacon.


Whiskey for my men, beer for my horses

Good dark morning, fam. It snowed a little last night. And of course it’s, all crunchy now. I shovelled the lanai. It’s gonna be cooler today with a high of 33°. Yesterday’s high was around 40ish or so. So the cold is creeping back. And I’ve been watching the snow accumulation prediction on the weather app for the snow that’s coming on Thursday now. I’ll believe it when I see it.

Yesterday was quiet at work. Granted I did have one rush where everything was full, but I got through it without the help of my coworker, as he had to take the first if only two shits he had to take. It’s all the shitty food he eats while at work. Two shits was actually pretty good for him. His record whilst working with me was four 20 minute shits.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to get out at the same time tonight, as I have to go to bed pretty much right after I get home, because I’m opening tomorrow. That’ll not be a great day, but we’ll get through it.

But for right now, I have a Chaucer on my lap, and we’re enjoying being awake for now. In a little while, the sun will be coming up, and hopefully it won’t be as foggy as it has been. But it’s gonna be a very good day today!

Happy Tuesday!

I can buy myself flowers write my name in the sand

Well, we made it through another night. I wish I could say that I slept all the way through the night, but I was up on and off, once to head to the bathroom, and a couple of times, just for a time check. It wasn’t bad, I didn’t wake up all groggy. Just up for a couple of seconds, and then back to sleep again.

I already have Chaucer on my lap. The old man has been up for a little while. I think he was the reason I was up around five. Poor guy was just making sure everything was ok, when I didn’t get up at 4:30. He doesn’t realize that I’m closing for the next two days, and that means I don’t have to get up at 4:30. Transitioning to mornings on Tuesday evening will be the hardest, as I’m closing, so I’ll pretty much have one foot in the bed when I get home Tuesday night.

Yesterday was a good day. Chores were done in the morning, brunch in the late morning. Then for something different, I put in the new Mission: Impossible movie. I mean it was ok I guess. It just seemed to go from one action scene to the next without a lot of plot or story line. And it was long. Too long. I think it clocked in at 2hrs 40 minutes or so. It just seemed like a weaker movie. Hopefully part two will be able to clear it all up. But for now, it’s not my favorite out of the bunch.

But right now, slowly, this morning, I’ll be getting ready for work. It’s dark and foggy out there. It’ll be hard to figure out how to dress for the evening. I’ll figure it out. This is the first time that I’ve closed in a while. Should be fun, as I have to pay attention to the closing procedure just a little more that what I’ve been doing so far. I think there’s three of us tonight. Good times.