As sure as the stars shine above

With the Flat only being about 500sf, one would think that I wouldn’t lose anything in here, right? Well at 4:30 this morning, it was kind of chilly. So I looked for my hoodie. The hoodie that I definitely knew that I brought in yesterday after work. I just couldn’t find it for the life of me. So much so in fact, I walked out to the car to see if I misremembered it. It wasn’t in there. So I went back to searching. I finally found it on the bed, I put it there when I lifted up the cat nest off the floor.

With that, I was able to continue my morning. Coffee was consumed, and the early morning headlines were on the TV. I ate cereal, and headed to work.

Work was work. Wicked slow, so we cleaned. I’m tired of cleaning. It’s not even August, and we’re 80% the way through the cleaning list.

But I’m home from work now, and the heat has been turned on out there. The early morning fog has been burnt off, and the clouds are gone. It’s gonna be hot today and tomorrow. Last night was really nice, we could actually sleep under a blanket. Not tonight, I don’t think.

What’s for dinner?

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