And your hearts against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck

So I was thinking last night. About books, as i picked up Twilight for the thousandth time (hey, i just wanted something light to read last night), of what books I would bring if I was trapped on a deserted island.

I know, so deep right?

Then I thought, you can’t bring them all, you can only bring 3 books with you. And none of this “How to get if a deserted island in 1373 easy steps”.

So here you go, in no particular order:

1. Twilight – not the whole series, but I’m working on getting them all. I’d choose this book, because while I really enjoy reading it, it’s a palette cleanser. I’m not reading it for deeper meaning. It’s purely a good lose yourself in the story type of book. Here’s a secret when I read the complete series for the first time, i wept at the end. I thought it was a really fitting ending to the series.

2. House of Leaves – this book, right from page 1 of Johnny’s introduction grabbed me. The rest of the book blew my mind. Imagine finding out your house is just slightly bigger on the inside than the outside. Then for a second, imagine getting trapped and lost in it. I always find something new about it, every time I read it. Aside from the Twilight series, it’s the one book that I’ve re-read the most. Including a 13 hour layover in Montreal on the way to TinyTown.

3. Ship of Theseus – I haven’t finished my first read through yet, but this book is awesome. Overwhelming. Strange. Confusing. Scary. I really like it. So I’d definitely have to bring it with me.

So here’s where (hopefully) some reader participation comes into play; what are the top 3 books that you’d bring with you, if you found yourself trapped on a deserted island? Would you bring mystery, or a colouring book, or even some self-help books?

So people, answer here in the comments, or write your own post, and link it here. Up to you! I’ll come by and comment on your choices and we’ll get to know each other!

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