Yep, here I am. Awake. Not liking it at all. Up this morning at 4:30am. Yep, the one opening shift in the last 2-3 weeks. I much prefer the closing shift. Just a little more relaxed without the manager there.
So it goes.
But I’m at home, and I have a Chaucer on my lap. Last night, Chaucer went into a deep sleep. And was very groggy for the rest of the night. He’s the type of cat, that if I picked him up, and moved him into the bedroom- he wouldn’t stay. So we made sure he was ok, and went to bed, hoping that he’d jump up and snuggle. He didn’t before I went to bed, but he was snuggled up to Crystal this morning.

I’m gonna play some Zelda. Happy whatever day it is.