And then we’re gonna find out best friend Doug

I decided last night that I wasn’t going to change my alarm. It went off this morning, and all I could think of is why didn’t I change my alarm. But I’m up, and coffee is brewing.

Sleep came pretty quickly, and stayed with me for the night. That was a nice surprise to sleep the entire night.

I’ll be helping my dad with some wall removal. But who knows when that’ll happen. I’m sure instead of waking up at a normal time, and spending most of the day doing it. He’ll stretch it over two days. Because he’s like a ferret and if left to his own devices, he’ll sleep for 18 hours.

I am however, very excited to introduce some wicked professional graphics to the site. You’ll see one later today, and of course for book club tomorrow. They’ll make the site look like the bees knees, and bonafide. I can’t wait for you to see them. Crystal does amazing work.

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