And the sky is a hazy shade of winter

It’s cold out there. And dark. My weather app says with the wind, it’s about -39🦫 out there. That’s a nasty cold. I wouldn’t want to go out in it if I didn’t have to. But I do. It’s all good. It’ll warm up a little.

I slept like the dead last night. I woke up about 2 minutes before the alarm went off. I rolled on to my back, and Pippin strolled right on to my bladder. That was a little uncomfortable. As soon as the alarm went off, I rolled out and almost ran to the bathroom.

Yesterday wasn’t too bad. BossLady was pretty low-key and mostly worked quietly at her desk. Which was nice. I had a few things to do, which I got done. I’m pretty sure that the Design Night that was supposed to happen tonight, isn’t going to happen. No one signed up for it or anything. Two is enough. We got some pretty good sales from those two nights. I packed up all the gift bag supplies, and took the upstairs. Done for another year.

The coffee is nice and warm. Hopefully the weather agrees and does the same thing. It maybe cold at the beginning of the week, but it’s warming up a little bit starting tomorrow. That’s nice. I have to move stuff around and into outside storage. Hopefully I can do it tomorrow when it’s warmer.

Ok, let’s get the day started. More coffee!

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