And the music was soothing, and they all started grooving

Good morning everyone! The last day off before heading back to work tomorrow. Whatever shall we do? I’m pretty sure it’s going to involve a whole bunch of nothing. If I have my way. It’s so very nice not to have anything on the radar. Not having to do anything or be anywhere.

It’s above freezing today. I know, right? I went out this morning and it felt strangely warm out. Even looking at the snow piles, it looked like the piles had compacted. I guess they did – it’s above freezing, duh.

The coffee has been brewed and we’re watching the morning news. While it’s warm, it’s still dark out there. The days are slowly getting longer. Eventually, it’ll start to get warmer – but not today. It’s just supposed to be warm today and tomorrow, I think. Then it cools off again.

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