And the gravedigger puts on the forceps*

By the time I had chosen the featured picture and started the upload, I noticed that I had already used the picture. I uploaded it anyways. So here we are. I nudged the heat up just a little bit. Just enough to turn it on. Just to take the edge off.

Winter is coming.

The bed was snuggly and we were a mess of legs. Every day when the alarm goes off, it scares me, and I just a little. Every day. And every day I think to myself, I need to turn the volume down. I always forget.

Maybe tonight will be different.

We’ll see.

I was having strange dreams. We were either hiding from something, or preparing to run or attack something. It was weird.m, as the dream I think, was playing out through flashbacks. I haven’t seen the whole dream, so I don’t really know what was going on.

So yesterday, I ended up jumping the truck, and we headed into SlightlyBiggerTown for some groceries. It wasn’t too busy in the store, as we got there just literally minutes after they opened. So everything was nice and stocked. I don’t think we were in there too long. Before we could spit, we were on our way back to TinyTown.

We made it back and settled into a fun afternoon. Crystal was a paid monkey on TikTok. I had fun moderating the chat. By moderating, I mean I read stuff out to her, after she had already replied to the crowd. But I was having fun.

I was told I could be a voice actor.

I believe that I was being lied to.

But I ready from the book of Twilight, and all was good. It was a fun afternoon.

I don’t plan on doing a whole bunch of anything today. It’s the calm before the storm. BossLady is back today, and her first full day in the shop is tomorrow. yay.

But first, more coffee.

* how do you put on forceps? Also, why would a gravedigger have forceps?

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